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Old Oct 17, 2011, 06:57 PM
dolfan99_34 dolfan99_34 is offline
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Member Since: Oct 2011
Posts: 11
Wow! I saw her for a brief time today at the office building we both work at (separate companies). Anyway, I hadn't seen her all day during smoke breaks or at lunch. Finally about 3:30 I went down for a cigarette and she was down there.

We talked a little, but she just seems so quiet and closed off. Everyone who knows us and knew we were dating says she's just grieving; don't read anything into it; she'll come around when she's ready.

I'm sorry. It's just so hard to see her react to me almost like she's mad at me. I know she's not, but it feels that way sometimes. I'm just trying hold on. I'm not going to smother her; I'm not asking her to go to dinner with me or anything; I'm going to wait for her to work this out, but it's really hurting me emotionally.