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Default Nov 07, 2011 at 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by emmaeyes View Post
This is my first time to post a reply and what I have to say is scary. ECT did not work for me. I had 24 treatments in 2000 and was significantly depressed for 6 months afterwards. I permanently lost 60% of my memory for events that occurred during the year prior to, and the year following the treatments. I developed psychotic symptoms towards the end of my treatment; that's why it was terminated. I was also unable to work for a year after, and lost my job as a result. No one told me not to drive and I accidentally hit a pedestrian. When I returned to moderate functioning, I proceeded to make a lot of huge life mistakes that I am still paying for.

In my opinion, ECT is like invasive surgery. The risks are very serious. I was living in a big city and had no one to look after me. My recommendation is that you make arrangements beforehand for someone to oversee your affairs during your treatments and for at least 6 months afterwards. That would include transportation, financial matters, medical care, important career decisions, etc., because your thinking might be impaired like mine was.
I am currently having ECT for maintenance. I have minimal memory loss. I go to and back from ECT in a taxi. By afternoon I can drive again as the anesthesia has worn off by then. I don't need anyone to take care of me. I live alone with my dogs and take care of myself. I have never heard of some needing such drastic care for weeks or months. I will continue to have ECT as long as I need it.
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