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Default Jan 22, 2012 at 09:43 AM
What time of day do you take the meds? I was originally told to take it in the evening because it can make some people drowsy, but it has the opposite effect for me, so now I take it in the morning and it works out fine.

I have also had fairly lucid dreams on Lamictal, but that only started after I stopped self-medicating with alcohol and cannabis.

Melatonin works well for me - have you tried it? There are no weird side effects because it's a natural hormone. It also doesn't make you groggy, so it's something you could take in the middle of the night without having it mess you up in the morning. Its window of active benefit is approximately a half hour, so you'd need to take it and then try to sleep immediately.

If Lamictal takes care of 90% of the issues, is the wake-up something you can tolerate? Sometimes it's a trade-off worth making. I'm getting a bit of aphasia from Lamictal, but it's still worth it to me.

Also, how long have you been on the Lamictal this round? It might be a side effect that fades away after awhile. I've found that as I was working up, any "activation" that it was causing faded away after a week or so, up until I got to the right dose. So that could also be in play.
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