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Member Since Jan 2012
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Confused Jan 30, 2012 at 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by bizi View Post
Being bipolar is no picnic.....
Being either bipolar 1 or 2 are equally hard to manage. and are both serious.
bipolar 1 folks can get so manic that they could become psychotic and get themselves killed and
bipolar 2 folks can get so depressed that they could become suicidal and wind up dead as well......
people who suffer from mixed moods can swing from high to low in the same day.
Being bipolar is no picnic that is for sure.
In regards to these two opposite poles there are a lot of folks who are in the gray zone....falling somewhere inbetween....alot of mental health issues cross over boundaries, OCD, panic attacks, anxiety, phobias, depression, delusions and paranoia, issues with self esteem, self injury, PTSD....
I am a firm believer in getting the proper treatment, seeing a psychiatrist and getting evaluated.
It is equally important to see a therapist and learn how to cope with your particular issues.
For me medications saved my life.
I know that there are varying degrees of bipolar and there are many who do not take medications and what works for one person may not work for the other.
This is called the medication merry go round.
and until you find your right combo it is hard being patient.
and for some..... medications just don't work.
This is very hard to accept but that is the reality.
and for others what worked for a couple of years stopped working and now they are on that reel again trying to find a new path.
There are things that we can do to help ourselves...self help things. The number one thing that will help us is communication....we have to talk....we need a good diet, some exercise, yoga or deep breathing, meditation, massage, accupuncture, sleep hygiene, supportive people in our lives, family, friends, on-line and in real life....pets.
I know that some of us are isolated and this here becomes our family.
welcome all who are here
I have just recently been hospitalized for a little over three weeks and was diagnosed with bipolar. My therapist/psychiatrist have me diagnosed with borderline personality there has always been a question about my diagnosis because i suffer with severe PTSD, anxiety, and depression most hospitalizations have been for these disorders or dual diagnosis drugs and these disorders but during this hospitalization it was different since i have been sober for 3 years prior to just before i was hospitalized they went over my history of hospitalization and treatment as well as my behavioral history and came up with bipolar i am of depakote and feel more stable then i ever remember despite still having mood swings, unfocus, PTSD issues, sleeplessness or depression with excessive sleep and reoccurring suicidal thoughts. my question is what are the syptoms or differences between borderline personality and bipolar and if my doctors don't support the hospital diagnosis what if anything i should do
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