I'm so glad that we have this forum now!! Thanks Doc John.
I'm finishing up my partial hospitalization for Ed and will move onto IOP Thursday. One exercise that was very helpful was called Helpful, Not Helpful. It's a way of letting our friends and loved ones know what they do that helps our recovery or hinders it.
I can only think of some things, so thought together we might come up with a list.
Helpful -
-coming with me to the grocery store if I need support
-not commenting on diets, calories, weight or trying to solve my/the world's problems from meal prep to 1 hour after my meal is done
-talking with me about the meal AFTER I've eaten it ... if I want to
Not Helpful
-making negative comments about my therapist, doc, nutritionist or my meal plan
-commenting on how much or how little I'm eating
-telling me that skipping a meal is ok
-skipping your own meals in my presence
I'm hopeful you can help this list grow!
(ps 55 days b/p free!)