The world's best therapy client.. that's me. Of course I have a wonderful relationship with my t, as I do with basically everyone... I'm a people pleaser. In the article above, that's me; my t is wonderful, there's no problem with our relationship, everything is good, every intervention is perfect, I don't need anything, I pay on time, never do outside of session contact (not that I don't sometimes feel the need to but b/c I don't what to bother him) and so on and so forth... but at the end, I'm not sure who's getting the most out of the therapy... Me, with my attitude of oh t you're so good and kind and all, or you, with allowing yourself to feel what you feel and being honnest about it? As long as I'll be this way, progress in therapy will be ssssslllllllooooowwww (if there's progress at all). But either way, in my case or in yours, our attitude and feelings are great stuff to explore and it is certainly something we need to work on
Take care