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Default Feb 20, 2012 at 01:22 PM
I heard back, and it's a 'No' still, but now I guess I have to wait for the tribunal. On the assessment they filled out they make me sound like I'm doing just super Things like 'well kempt and neatly dressed' -- well yeah, I might be depressed but it doesn't mean I can't spray some dry shampoo in my hair and put another layer of make-up on if I'm going out of the house, does it?

Anyone going to these assessments: maybe you shouldn't shower for a week or two? Wear clothes with your breakfast spilled down them? Maybe mess yourself as well, just for good measure? Because if you are clean and know how to use a washing machine (and a wash room), they won't believe you can be suicidal. Also, you might want to SHOW them if you self harm - because they don't ask to see it, and if you only TELL them about it, they will write down that you have 'thoughts' of self harm but no 'plans'... Oh, and make sure you rock back and forth, are sweating profusely (I actually was but they didn't 'notice') and exaggerate any tremors because they don't notice those either. While you're at it, make sure they have to PROMPT you to speak - because hesitating isn't enough. Apparently looking at the floor and occasionally glancing up is ADEQUATE eye contact, so don't look at them at ALL. Oh, and maybe lose your temper and cry (like I did at the CAB afterwards because of this mess) - because otherwise they'll say you're 'well behaved, co-operative, and interested'.... I don't know, maybe you need to take a shopping trolley full of cats in there with you or something.
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