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Default Feb 27, 2012 at 01:37 AM
My mindset has had to do with any singular important thing I have ever done with my life, including the fading of my mood symptoms. Granted, they do sometimes peek out every now & again due to *having* a condition, no matter how much I think otherwise.
But if you have the right mindset it is so much easier to cope with. You'll naturally hone tools & habits to deal with the depression simply by not LIVING depressed... Because depression is not a part of you, but your perspective certainly is. When you are positive about your outcome & about your life, you simply cannot go on living like a depressed or "damaged" person. It's not a natural reaction.
It's not a heal all & people's resistances to life situations vary... But anti-depressants were not formulated to make all of someone's misery go away. Rather, it is a helpful crutch for when someone is on their own path to recovery. I don't think mood stabilizers work in the same way, as they correct an imbalance rather than feed you neurotransmitters to create the effect-- But if you have your mind under control you could definitely lessen your dosage over time! : )
No one is exempt from the placebo effect that their own perspective can create for them. It's just a matter of being sure of yourself & setting your mind to a result, no matter how taxing it may be at first. It takes patience, but honestly? It's MORE than worth it.
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Thanks for this!