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Default Feb 27, 2012 at 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by melissa.recovering View Post
Hi everyone,

I recognize that I'll need to be on meds for the rest of my life, and I've accepted this. But I wonder how much our recovery from Bipolar Disorder depends upon our mindset - meaning, a positive or negative outlook.

I also wonder, are we able to control our mindset when we're deep in the pit of depression? Or do we need to first be medicated and/or attend therapy before we can begin to be more positive? How much control do we have over our mind, to decide whether or not we'll get through a depressive episode?

I'm not sure. When I was going through my worst ever depressive episode, my mind felt like I wasn't capable of making any choices, even the most basic of choices. Somehow I doubt I would have been able to form the thinking of "It's temporary, I'll get through this".

Now that I'm relatively stable though, on medications and attending both individual and group therapy, I can see how important our perspective is. There can be one person with Bipolar Disorder who decides that they're comfortable being depressed, not seeking help, not wanting to change...and of course they're more likely to stay depressed. Then another person with Bipolar Disorder may be more realistic. They may seek help, knowing that eventually the episode will pass.

I still experience the depressed day, or even the depressed week...but I find that having that realistic and optimistic perspective is very helpful.

Any thoughts?

I dunno, I think it's a loaded question, because with Bipolar, it always kinda depends on the mood. One day I might feel like taking on the world, another day I feel like I want to die and want to do nothing at all. I like having projects that I can work on, and take my mind off of my crazy. Especially music, because I can kindof "talk" through it and use my moods in a constructive way. I've noticed, since being on meds, that my music is much less dark and depressing.

I dunno, I know my life is going to be a lifelong roller coaster, and I'm trying to accept that.. or even embrace it. I like certain things about the disorder, of course, as in everything, there are downsides, but I try to just think about the good things. Like my ability to completely shut someone off with no regret or remorse. I find that empowering in ways. I like using my intellect to sarcastically dig into someone that sucks, and I seem to have a very distinct and deliberate way of cutting someone down to the lowest possible point imaginable. Naturally I only use it when I have to, but I can be funny about it, which just adds to the insult.

I try to embrace these things as "powers". I like my sense of humor, my moodiness, and the fact that I am sober from alcohol and other drugs now and for a good reason. There are lots of positives, so yes, I believe mindset has alot to do with it, but each person is different and has different circumstances.

* Lamotrigine (100mg)
* Wellbutrin (300mg)
* Saphris (5mg)
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