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Default Mar 14, 2012 at 06:23 PM
hey illegal toilet
last year i was you...what got me thru everything was helping with my dog rescue. i knew i had to get thru my commitments i had made with them. the hounds needed me to show up as well as the people. not a whole lot else mattered.

i don't work but i do have to count every penny as i am on a disability i get the feelings of watching every penny.

i made sure i did my trips to the dr's, my t & the stuff for the dogs. if i felt up to it i would go & hike so i could take some photo's...but there were many days it was hard to even think about doing that.

it helped having the dogs & knowing i had them depending on me...because i had to drive & pick them up or run them places, pick up food etc..& then the rescue would pay for gas/ wasn't much but it it got me out of the house & out in the real world some.

i think ya do what you can took some time for me to climb back out of my hole & be able to function i still do the runs, fostering, etc but i am also able to much more.

it what you are able to...some days it will be more than others...i wish you the is hard...
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