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Default Mar 25, 2012 at 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by hamster-bamster View Post
My prior doctor brought up the idea of disability and filled out the state disability paperwork which got me approved. Unfortunately, I cannot afford him anymore and I now receive care from a very nice p-doc at the county. I have seen her once for the intake and will see her again in April for a 30-min appt.

I have not discussed SSDI specifically with my old doctor but I assume, since be brought it up, that he would be supportive.

I do not know anything about the new doc; she will need to know me better, I assume. I do know though that at the county clinic, they are well familiar with the disability paperwork.

My question is: can my old doctor fill out the paperwork as he saw me as recently as in Feb and he knows me well, or must the paperwork go through the new doc? If the latter, any tips on how to approach the issue with her during my next appointment?
I would say submit the paperwork from the old doctor and give the new doctor the paperwork that the old doctor filled out so they can see what the old doctor had to say. The new doctor (if they agree) should just be able to keep the process going. I would also include a note at the end explaining that you had to switch doctors because you could not afford to continue with the old doctor.

Did you talk with the old doctor to tell them you could not afford them? Did you ask if they might be willing to do it probono or at a lower cost?

I'm here to deal with my "issues".
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