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Default Apr 03, 2012 at 05:42 PM
Chickens taking over...Hmmm.... Maybe if they had reasoning skills, they could create a central system similar to our post office to communicate between various locations, preferably ones that have significant exposure to the media, hence the public. Cats.. yes.. they can be the messengers of the centralized comm. system. lol... this is kind of fun. If then, the chickens raise certain, adorably behaved young, ones that will get the media exposure, it may change opinion of the public towards them. Especially if they train the sacrificial chickens to react to the keepers in absolute horror. They might get in good with bleeding hearted people and a movement might start that eventually frees the chickens from a food source. From there, they can monopolize on the newly found favor of the people and soon become of a higher standing than us people. Yes! lol... I can just see it.
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