I think possibly everybody feels like this at some point in their lives, or sometimes more often dependent on the situation. Parents try to control, no matter your age often it is Because they do actually really care. But, some parents are too controlling and then it may become a problem. As can cause constant fighting, everyone has the right to a view/ and to be able to live their life for themselves. Some need more support, but still need to make informed decisions with/without support dependant on health needs etc.
I feel guilty for hating anyone, but a very common emotion and I think helps to reflect on it. If somebody has distressed you, a very common reaction.
It might help to communicate to the family member how your feeling, and most important how they are making you feel. If can't talk directly, try writing it Down and giving them. Then maybe a resolution can be attempted and all the family can try to help each other out, in more positive ways.
Please keep your dreams, and don't let go. It's possible to achieve anything
And don't let other's hold you back. Maybe try some new hobbies/ interests as a stress relief if feeling stressed from the situation.
Take care,