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Default May 04, 2012 at 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by hopefultohelp View Post
Hi everyone!

I have an absolutely positive SUCCESS story!

My daughter who is now going on 27 years old was diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder when she was 16 years old. She says she remembers symptoms as far back as when she was 11 years old. She had basically all the same symptoms as so many people have written about on this site. Paranoia, thinking people were talking about her, not seeing things in a realistic way, feeling like she should just end it all, staying in her room for 3 1/2 years holed up away from everyone and the whole world. She felt like she could fly at times, had an overinflated sense of self at times and yet at other times felt like she was nothing, she stopped talking to any friends she had, she was basically tormented, not having the ability to work, drive, go to school, socialize, or even bathe daily. Everyday tasks such as brushing her teeth were difficult and would take much longer than need be. She felt like helicopters flying by were coming to get her or ambulances or fire engines were warning her of impending danger in her future. When she would read of others experiences with this illness, she could relate to what they were going through.

In January 2011, my husband and I watched a documentary on the negative effects of taking meds. This motivated me to research and see if there was a natural alternative. After reading the testimony of a woman who claimed to be cured of schizophrenia by following a specific vitamin regimen, I was very, very intrigued! She said she went to see an Orthomolecular Psychiatrist. I thought "what in the world is Orthomolecular?" I started to google this term and came up with a man named Abram Hoffer. He is now deceased (2009) but during his lifetime as a doctor, he worked with over 5000 patients with schizophrenia and saw a HUGE rate of recovery by orthomolecular means and a healthy and strict diet. Orthomolecular means "Mega Vitamin". I ordered a few of his books on Amazon. One of the books is a small paperback pamphlet that cost me about $6.00 It is called Orthomolecular Treatment for Schizophrenia (Mega Vitamin Supplementation and Nutritional Strategies for Healing and Recovery). We decided to give it a go. We started my daughter off slowly on "everyday" vitamins (the two main ones being vitamin B3 (niacin-the no flush kind), and vitamin C) and added others (a total of seven) over about two months time. We just went along with what the book stated. At first her psychiatrist was not too keen on the idea that we wanted to lower the dosages of her meds and see if she could eventually get off of them. She agreed that we could try. She worked with us to lower the dosage of meds. As my daughter was consistent with taking the seven vitamins each day, getting proper amount of sleep (she has needed nine or ten hours per night for years), as well as following a strict diet of no dairy products, no meat, little sugar, brown rice, beans, and mainly fruits and vegetables (we would make homemade fruit and vegetable juice every day), her Psychiatrist noticed the incredible change in my daughter (AND I MEAN INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!) It has been a little over a year since she started taking the vitamins and she is doing FANTASTIC!!!!!! She is off 2 out of 3 meds and is taking only 1/2 mg. of the last med (down from 4 mg) The psychiatrist is soooo impressed that she wanted to know exactly what it is that we have been doing with my daughter that she is coming along soooo very well. I gave her the book we used because she said she wants to share it with some of her other patients!!!!!!

My daughter is getting back to how she used to be before she displayed any of the symptoms of schizoaffective disorder. She is thinking more clearly, she actually leaves the house now and goes on walks with us, goes shopping, has friends again, feels more comfortable in social situations/conversing with others, wants to learn how to drive, she may even go visit a friend in another state soon!!! The way she is now is nothing short of a miracle!!!!!!!!! If this has spoken to you, I would encourage you to order the book from Amazon and read about it yourself. If you would like any more info, just message me and I would be happy to chat with you about my daughters progress!

NOW THAT'S GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

first of all, congratulations to your daughter for reducing her meds successfully and functioning much better. I wanted to send you a PM but was not sure how to do this. so, i post here some of brief thoughts here.
I believe there is some validity to orthomolecular treatments, but keep in mind, toxicities do potentially occur with such high doses of vitamins as well. Thus, after careful consideration, i will continue to take supplements, but do so in balance with other variables. the meditterranian diet is a good dietary choice as well. i had the experience of "flushing" with vitamin B-3 niacin. this is all too common of a side effect for niacin treatment. Because of this, i no longer take niacin as part of my vitamin regiment. wishing you and your daughter all the best.
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Thanks for this!