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Default Jun 08, 2006 at 07:35 PM
Know the feeling. When I went public about $exual abuse I was known as a ****** because I exposed abuse and helped others to stop their abuse and or get out of their abusive situations.

Now that I know what DID is and how to heal from it I am once again in real life and online expoing something controverial - what DID really is not based on mass media and society misconceptions but based on the diagnostic criteria and the behind the scenes professional information.

My doing this pi$$es people off. I have gotten banned by many non professionally run sites because I was not conforming to the mass media and society portrayals of this disorder. Professionally run sites are a little bit different. Though my posting my information and experiences pi$$ some people off as long as I am posting the varifyable professional truth when discussing what DID is I can be myself and not get banned because I am not conforming to the mass media portrayals and society views of DID.
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