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Member Since May 2012
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 67
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Default May 08, 2012 at 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by msGina23 View Post
I Suffer from Mania and Hypo Mania. I hate it!!! im always well more now then ever very angry at the world and people i dont even know lol, ALWAYs Irritable more then ever. I think i have well i know i have bipolar Mania, i think i have ADD, im suffering with insomina, oh and last but not least i thought about killing my self sunday smh i dont even remember why i was severly depressed for no reason at all..i a different person every day!! its like at a point right now where i hate people period lol like ugh!!! im irritated.... now tell me i aint crazy lol
You just described me, evey day. I suffer more from hypomania, rarely if ever from full blown mania, but I have periods of absolutely soul-crushing depression mixed with anxiety, irritability and outbursts of anger.

When you say you're a differen person every day.. Me too. Every day I look in the mirror and see a different person.

Right now I'm hiding out in the bathroom at work with an an anxiety attack contemplating going home early.
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