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Member Since Mar 2012
Posts: 42
Default May 14, 2012 at 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by mcl6136 View Post
I think that Ts that LEAD clients to sexually oriented topics, if they are not raised by the clients or welcomed, are generally out of line. I think if a client BRINGS it, then it is on the table, but if not, then I tend to be CREEPED by Ts who do this.

Am I missing something..or did your T say "you must have a great sex life" out of the blue?? Perhaps I did not read correctly?

Maybe I have problems that aren't being resolved orsomething but I found my cold distant Ts insistence on "going there" to be highly inappropriate, given the distance that HE insisted in maintaining.

It just feels creepy when a T goes there if it's not the client's main concern, especially when it is a male T and a female T.

Again, I may be out of line here....

id told him i thought my father had sexual feelings towards me at 7 thats all. he said in our 5th im ashmed of my sexual desires so maybe thats why? i can understand its a good lead to my general anxiety, which has now been resoleved thankfully to my sister uniting with my parents again to being there for me last month. so alot of that has lifted for the first time and i dont have a broken family anymore. as for sex, i dont think i really had an issue but it can open up alot of myself i dont know, part of me wants him to be getting off on it cos i fancy him so bad right now.
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