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Member Since Oct 2010
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Default May 24, 2012 at 04:10 AM
I don't think it was an accident that you didn't "do" anything today. NOTHING -- absolutely nothing happens by accident in God's world. You may not have been aware of it, but God spoke to you today and told you NOT to do it. You have a reason to be here. Maybe it's your music! It's up to YOU to find out what that reason is.

Get all thoughts of dying out of your head. Sure, it may be hard cause life is a challenge to say the least. But it's WORTH it -- hard knocks and all. It might flatten you, kick you when you're down, make you bleed -- but nothing stays the same forever. Things ALWAYS change. It might take awhile, but they never stay constant!

I'm glad you're here. Your loss would be devastating to others!!! Have you considered that? A dear friend of mine (whom I haven't seen in quite some time) committed suicide last week -- and my daughter and I are hurt beyond belief !!! Suicide is the PERMANENT solution to a TEMPORARY problem. His death even ANGERS me -- how could he do that?? People LOVE him.

The same holds true for you. Please take good care of yourself my friend. God bless you, and keep posting. We'll listen. Hugs, Lee
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