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Default Jun 26, 2012 at 06:39 PM
I'd hazard a guess that most of the people who are posting that they have insurance policies that "give good mental health coverage" are policies that are through BIG group policies. For example, like farmergirl,I get my insurance through a school district, who buys it policy through a LARGE collective of school districts. This types of polices have the most advantage because it's a large group of people/schools paying for the insurance and many individuals don't use the services because they don't need it. It's one of the reason people right now hate pension/benefit plans for goverment/state workers. We are very lucky that the services that we are able to access are generally good. I wish that for EVERYONE in the US. It's why I'm so confused as to why we are so opposed as a country to a universal health plan. I get that many of us who have good insurance are afraid of having it taken away, but it's time for us to recognize that it isn't fair that some of us get it and others can't.

I do know that Vermont has a lot of free clinics and shelters for teens. Wish more states were like that! Hope things work out okay for you, Roamingmind.
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Thanks for this!
ECHOES, Perna, tigerlily84