Thread: Studying....
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Default Jul 29, 2012 at 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by IceCreamKid View Post
I don't think you will lose anything and you might gain some valuable help if you tell each of your professors about this problem. They've likely seen it before and each may offer you a solution that will work better for you and your grades. If you absolutely don't want to do that, then you could write up anything that satisfies the bare minimum requirements and turn that in and at least get the lowest possible passing grade/points (because you did turn in the assignment), which, when added to your otherwise high scores on other things will translate into a good grade for the class. If your first thought is "I just got done saying I can't write anything!" you could also go to your school's writing center and ask for help in how to write a paper about anything - it is basically a formula - introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs, conclusion and you plop your facts or points into those paragraphs, then all you have to do is build some filler verbiage around those points. I used to do this and then stick in the "although", "however", "it is also important to note" linking phrases and ultimately by the time I was done doing that, I had a paper. Then I'd go through later and correct grammar and spelling errors, and tweak any last bits that seemed awkward. Creative genus? No. But fulfilled the assignment? Yes. And you could even do this over a series of days so that it isn't torture to fill those blank pages all at one go. I hope this helps.
I remember last semester, I had a paper that I wasn't able to write. After approaching the professor, asking if there was anything I could do to make up for it, or if I could be given more time, I was told it was too late, and to do my best on the final. I told her how I was having problems writing and all, and she suggested I see a counsellor (which I was). The counsellor asked if I would like him to send her an e-mail. I said it was fine. Long story short, I wasn't given another chance. It seems like short of a medical excuse, I had no chance.

I made myself hand in something for that last assignment; not even the bare minimum, but something. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that at least reaching the bare minimum for this next assignment is my goal.

I remember last year, our professor said we should visit the Writing Centre. So I did, and said how I was having problems with my paper. I wasn't nearly done, but I did have a few paragraphs, maybe. She basically said that it wasn't persuasive, it was informative (because it would make a lot of sense without the information, right?), and she said that I wasn't a very good writer. Regardless of what I personally think of myself, that hit me like a ton of bricks. I came there for someone to basically say what I'd written wasn't a total failure and to give me encouragement. Instead, I get that.

I ended up getting full marks minus being late (which was by a minute or two; darn online submissions). (Fun tidbit: if I hadn't changed classes during the drop and add period, that person from the centre would have been my professor. Glad I switched!)

I still haven't done that previous assignment and I need it done along with another assignment due Tuesday (together, they make a proposal). I'm seriously considering asking my counsellor to send my professor an e-mail... maybe this time it'll actually help.

I'm planning to take a small break now (I told myself getting away from the computer every hour for at least a few minutes might be helpful), then start with the second assignment, because it feels easier than the first. I'm going to just type whatever comes to mind, maybe close my eyes as I type, and see what I can do with that. I want to finish at least something by tomorrow. Anything.

And then, just a few more classes, an exam, and I can relax... until next semester. I'd better figure out how to solve this problem by then.
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