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Old Aug 07, 2012, 07:55 AM
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LouR LouR is offline
Member Since: Jul 2012
Location: Queensland
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Originally Posted by PurpleFlyingMonkeys View Post
I just finished (a few days ago) Sky Eyes which is supposed to be a true story. It was hard to read parts of it and still days later I'm feeling the after shocks of the triggers for some but... It just seemed a bit much for me on the DID perspective.

I can see the similarities between page turning and switching but the other parts, parts about other beings, other living people and animals inhabiting or speaking or being near her after death, is just a bit more than what I was looking for. While I don't say it's made up, I'm more looking for something that gives real first hand experience from someone with DID who goes through the blackouts, not realizing they can or that they have parts until late adult hood, or looking for basically just someones experience with DID when it's not necessarily on a spiritual level. While I believe in a higher power and have often thought my parts are like guardian angels, I'd like to get one that describes DID from personal experiences on a somewhat scientific level, the symptoms as opposed to the spiritual belief of it. If that makes sense...

I'm looking again I've got a Kindle, and many books including Sybil and Three Faces of Eve aren't available. And I've looked into the others mentioned and they're anywhere from $10-$40 to get the book. I thought e books were supposed to be cheaper? My gift card is running out lol
Hi Purple flying monkeys
I'm currently in the middle of a book called "A life in pieces" By Richard k Baer. It's written from the perspective of Dr Baer who treated a lady by the name of Karen who so far has 11 alters.
What is interesting so far is that in the book he states she had DID and possibly MPD. Amanda Louise are these normally considered separate diagnoses because I thought that DID replaced MPD in the DSM IV? I'm a bit confused.
I'm going to be honest here I have read that this book when it was written was thought to be hogwash in the media. I google'd it before I bought it.
I love my kindle but I also like to be able to dog ear pages so I can re-read pages especially if I forget where I'm up to cos sometimes I find myself reading and then it doesnt make any sense to me,
I thought you might find it interesting though. Yes it has triggered me at times and I have felt anxious, nauseated and a few panic attacks not from the trauma that affected her but that I've identified things that have been described about her by her T that I have done and am now aware of.
Regards Lou
As a child you were not responsible for the actions/reactions of the adults who were responsible for you