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Default Aug 25, 2012 at 03:56 PM
I am what would be considered a Gen x'er. I work in an environment where the generational gap and differences in work ethic and expectations are miles apart.

I try very hard to be flexible and open-minded when it comes to the gaping differences between the firm's generational gaps...but there are a few things that the Y's/Millennials do that I just do not understand...and frankly, is quite off-putting to me .... in the workplace (this certainly is not an attack on the kids in general)

- The seemingly unwillingness to do what it takes (without babysitting. ie, sup's observations and direction) to get the job done.
-The 9 to 5 with a one hour+ lunch work mentality
-The taking vacation time for a week to 10 days as soon as the 90 day probationary period is completed
- the scheduling of multiple doctor appts and time off the second health coverage kicks in
- the apathy and laziness
- the sense of entitlement
- the lack of proactive behavior
- the selfishness
- the self absorption
- lack of teamwork
- the total disregard and lack of respect for sups
- no real commitment to others
- the sense if superiority
- the lack of interest
- lack of direction
- the hand holding required

Perhaps I am just getting "old"...I try to understand and be flexible. I have read studies and papers discussing some of the reasons why these behaviors exist; however, I still find it offensive at times. Especially in this horrible economy.

Any thoughts?
Hugs from:
Thanks for this!
beauflow, John25