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Default Aug 28, 2012 at 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by eskielover View Post
Sounds like you might have to put a seniority restriction of things lke that starting with the highest down to the lowest & if the higher ones don't want, then it leaves of open for the newer employees especially since they this is not the first time they have shown themselves to be a bunch of vultures. As manager, you & the higher up managers can set up any policies that seem appropriate given the overall situation you are dealing don't even have to say anything except to distribute your new policy so that it's available to everyone & there are NO questions.
Eskie, that is quite fair. HOWEVER, wth? were the kids raised to be selfish, self absorbed vultures not thinking of anyone but themselves, because that is a perfect example of a total work ethic that I was referring to: en toto. Do we not learn manners and to think of others at home and bring that to our workplace?

I didn't know it was part of my job to also provide the "Miss Manners Handbook for the Work Place: Millennial Version"

It's my call actually. The policy hereonin, there are only enough for what is strictly needed in the office. No more extras will be provided.
Thanks for this!