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Default Aug 29, 2012 at 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Nicks_Nose View Post
Itis more often the work environment that develops the self centred attitudes that we see in people at the work place. The work environment is competitive and each person for themselves is heavily felt in work environments. Stop referring to parenting patterns. I have been polite, courteous, highly ethical and supportive of those above me, below me and worked as a team member, and i am no further ahead in the working world than those who aimed for themselves, set goals and sought to achieve them no matter what. We often look at these people as being self centred, selfish, greedy or what-not....but the end result is usually further advancement than people like myself who follow all the rules and be a good employee. The culture of our corporate society does not encourage morality, ethics, and teaches law to protect your own butt, political correctness to become two faced, and how to manipulate a group of people to acheive something for the company at all cost to the people.
I hear you ((((Nicks)))) It is really cut-throat out there. I have worked in environments like that and it is horrible. Very destructive.

Thankfully, our firm puts the emphasis on team...there is no way around it. We are a creative environment so it's essential that we are team-oriented and collaborative. There is no competition here at the office.

We don't really put the emphasis on titles, either. Although, there is that wide gap between the Xers and the Millennials It's so funny when I think about how "old" I seem to them

I cannot speak to parenting because I am not a parent. But I do understand what you are saying.

In this day and age, it's hard to stay true to yourself when you are surrounded by a bunch of wolves. In a lot of firms, it's eat or be eaten.
Thanks for this!