I don't want to post somewhere else, but I have a question, please don't make me post elsewhere...
I got most of my big stuff mostly sorted, then something that should be tiny comes along. I need to cut off all my hair, and short, pretty short
. Of all the things I should be upset about, this should probably be the last thing on my list. But it's more like the biggest. And why?
If I knew why I wouldn't be asking. Why is it such a big deal, I mean it's really really bringing me down. I know it's probably silly, and it's a very small thing in the grand scheme of everything in my life. Why is it tripping me up so much.
I feel silly for asking this, when I especially know that people here are going through major things.
I have to start a new job soon, haven't been employed in in god knows how many years, and I am more worried, and anxious, and crying about my hair...
That is Nuts!