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Default Sep 15, 2012 at 12:51 AM
Yes Roadie, need to cut it off, deff not a want.

The job, maybe a bit ya. The job is also a my bf's place of employment, so I think I could fairly say I am worried about presentation, not just in looks. If I screw up it, it's going to reflect negatively on him.

hey, did I ever tell you guys that I HATE working on self esteem!!!

He needs to keep some of these noodles to himself, this is not Lady and the Tramp...
Please send him that msg!!! And this .. I want to grow old, I do. I want to experience all the ages, not be thrust into it before I am ready. And yes Roadie, I agree, the women above me are the bees knees of awesomeness. Me and him have a much different view of aging, He definitely has a problem with it and is hard on himself with this, so I need to remember that is only his own ideas, and worries, not mine. Of course I do want him to think I am young and spry. I want it allllll.
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