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Member Since Aug 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 82
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Post Oct 10, 2012 at 08:43 PM
Hi there.

Warning: This may be long as I tend to explain myself a fair bit.

Normally I don't post more personal stuff other than my mental health on here, but I'm about ready to throw everything that anyone's ever said to me out the window.

So, I haven't been diagnosed but I'm 99% sure that I have a yeast overgrowth, or systemic Candida. I've done the whole spit into a cup of water thing and the spit was all 3 of what can happen, sink to the bottom, string down like a spider, and cloud in the middle. I get weird tastes in my mouth sometimes in the morning(it's more noticeable some days than others it's not there) and sometimes get a white coating on the far back of my tongue.

I have had the white coating on the tongue part before, when I also had what they called a "fungal infection"(the word Candida did not come out of the doctors mouth at all so I never really knew what it was) and it was at the roof of my mouth(YUCK!). I had that infection in January would have been about last year. January 2011 if I'm correct. Previously I had been on birth control (Since October 2010 to about March 2011) -- I hear than these pills can cause Candida in some people. I also had...excuse me if you're not a lady here.. I'll just abbreviate with BV(the female one) once, and then that followed with recurrent yeast infections.

Fast foreward to this year.. I've been under a huge amount or emotional stress after being kicked out of a healthy relationship with my then-boyfriend, last year in May. I moved away from home to be closer to work because, ironically my ex-boyfriend is actually my neighbour so, I never want to go home to see my mom or cats cause being there literally makes me sick to my stomach. I had Shingles really bad back in March of this year, and I didn't really talk it over with my doctor.

I've been struggling with what seems to me like hormonal acne (lower cheeks and jawline), but I never tied Dairy or Gluten foods to it because I've ALWAYS ate and drank those and I never had acne this bad. It seems to come and go, but I refuse to ask my doctor for anything for it, I just figured I could cure it myself. I'm probably wrong.

This is longer than I wanted it to be, but I have a few more things to cover...

Hmm let's see. Okay so again sorry for the men out there, lately(and this has been and on..I noticed it back shortly after I was on birth control pills, and every now and then since then) I've been having really heavy discharge. Half of the time when it's a I mean it's just white but THICK and doesn't usually smell. Although I have had yeast infections down there, not lately but I usually get them if I accidentally drip soap when I'm in the shower(I try really hard not to). I had my first pap test pretty late, I think I was 18? And the doctor said I had a lot of discharge and she looked at me like I was supposed to know why..:S. I had no idea I thought it was normal, it never itched or anything. It always seems to worsen right after my period, which to me just means I'm ovulating. I used to get MAJOR cramps and now I don't. That's mainly why I went on bcp in the first place.

ANYWAYS. So, Theres a little history, and I HAVE had symptoms of ADHD that date back to when I was a child but, in the same sense...a lot of the symptoms are present in Candida too..and I'm just wondering..could it be possible that It's not even ADHD? or that maybe it is but Candida makes my symptoms worse? I'm on Vyvanse 40mg right now(to be honest the 30mg worked better than these ones..I'm still really crabby and emotional).

I'm wondering if I should ask my pdoc to stop my meds so I can clear up my Candida problem(it would take longer than a month I would's pretty severe. I eat dairy and gluten and I'm either in the bathroom emptying all day, mainly just mucous..ew, or I get instant stomach aches. I crave sugar and bread ALL THE TIME and I get migraines when I don't eat it.

Oh, and I'm also underweight now, thanks to flipping Concerta..-.- I was never hungry on it. But since I can't eat things with fat in them..and I have to cut back on everything that turns into fat that my body would ACTUALLY store anywhere(i naturally have a very high metabolism and just for reference I'm 5'7 and I used to be 137pounds and now I'm 117. Lost 10 pounds when I had the flu in 2011 and another bunch when I was on Concerta earlier this summer--lost it in about 3 weeks or less ).

So I guess two questions -- Which do I work on first?
Getting my ADHD meds right,
Getting rid of Candida --also could be dangerous cause I might lose even more weight(I HATE being skinny, I really flipping hate it I feel so gross)
Gaining weight by making my Candida and possible Adhd even worse plus stressing more cause I'll have bad acne and IBS and possibly get shingles again...?

I don't think my doctors want to treat me with anything but medication...and I know that diet needs to be a huge role when you have a yeast problem.


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Thanks for this!