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Default Sep 14, 2006 at 09:57 AM
Can I request a new worker from social assistance?

As some of you folks remember the guy they assigned me is extremely cranky and almost to the point of being rude with me. He intterupts me when I try to (calmly, I might add) explain what has been going on with my situation to tell me that since they don't have the medical form filled out by my psychdoc yet(though I told them they would be getting it)they don't, and I quote "owe you anything more than what you are getting. And because you choose to stay living where you are and your bills are too expensive, you realize, we don't have to pay for that, it's not our responsibility"

When I advised him that I had been trying to get into a new place with a roomate, he sourly told me that perhaps I should "go to a shelter."

Now if thats not the stupidest thing I have ever heard I don't know what is. It costs more per day for them to put us up in a shelter than it does for them to just HELP me a LITTLE more. And, all I asked for was a payment to help keep my power on...

This guy continuously gives me lectures on why and how social assistance doesn't have to help me. He makes me feel really bad for even calling, and I get the sense that he is TRYING to work against me. When I told him that one of my psych meds wasnt covered - he told me "Well if we don't cover it, we don't cover it and that is just the way it is - the only thing you can do is have your doctor apply to msi for a special exception - in no way do we ever cover meds not covered by the drug plan"

Yet when I advised him I had to go without my Epi Pen all summer because he was on vacation and I couldn't get anyoen to requisition t for me, he replied "we don't cover epi pens? I'm surprised.. well we will cover that for you with no question, we would requisition it for you"

Am I just being sensitive? I thought so at first but every interaction I have had with this man has left me in frustrated, feeling like a drain on the system bad person and like Im doing something very bad for coming to them, rather than doing what I am able as a Canadian Citizen to assist myself.

I DONT WANT TO BE ON ASSISTANCE - and I explained this to him, but because of the way things are right now I need to be. But I cannot handle this man making me feel this way.

He is intimidating, and I get the distinct sense that he looks down his nose at me because I am young. (he is older)

Guys, I just don't know what to do. My appointment with pdoc is not until October 4th - I am wondering if I should call for an emergency appointment to get all the paperwork filled out NOW instead - I didnt think they would be so disbeileving of me when I told them. Do you know that when I first told him of the docs plan to do disability he actually said "well there is alot of clients we have who think they shouldn't work and their doctors do not agree"

Note - i told him it was my DOCTORS plan.

Now I am crying, a mess. And will be worried and feel like s- you know what all dang day.

What can I do?
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