What I've done ...
1) Write - write anything, write poetry, write words
2) Draw - same thing as writing, just let your hand move around
3) Watch a funny movie
4) Go outside
5) Go people-watching (seriously, watching other people leads to all sorts of interesting observations about human behaviour)
6) Have a nap (when I wake up from a nap, I have to actually struggle to remember what was causing me such pain before)
7) Come on to PC (I've done this - just being here makes me feel a bit better)
8) Like Jeopardy - Phone a friend!
9) Wash dishes - hot water doesn't burn your skin, but it can give some amount of relief and you get the added bonus of having clean dishes!
10) If you've got a pet animal - spend some time with it, talk to it tell it how you're feeling - animals usually really like to listen or they're attention hogs and you'll be so busy catering to their whims that you won't have time to think about it!
11) Look through (non-triggering) photo's of your past - of friends and family or other pretty pictures.
12) Listen to music - loud music if you need to - sing along out loud if you want to as well!
13) Scream out loud or tear paper (old phone books work well) if you're feeling mad
14) If you're sad - allow yourself to cry or if you can't, watch a sad movie
15) If you're anxious, try to locate the source - write it down, as many times as needed - create a plan to solve the problem - take deep breaths
16) Bake or cook - fresh made food = a bit happier (especially if you make something that you really like)
I'll think of some more later probably.