Thread: Just venting
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Default Feb 26, 2013 at 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by misskeena View Post
Well. I don't know if you spend too much time on here or not but, for what it's worth, I like seeing you here on PC. It's nice to come here and see familiar people logged on. And you're not always here when I am. As usual, I don't have many words of wisdom, especially not tonight (very sorry, it's a bad night) but I just wanted to let you know I'm here.
I think bad nights are going around right now so no biggie. Most of my feelings have abated, of course, but I'm sick and it's affecting me.'s nice to see the "real you". Maybe I'll get the courage eventually. I wouldn't mind friends on here knowing what I look like, but I taught school for over 20 years and I'm kinda paranoid about being recognized by former students. I can hear 'em now..."We always thought something wasn't quite right with wonder she always blew up at us." I was fairly well liked, but my kids knew I had a temper and some could see the signs of an impending rage. They'd yell at the other kids and say "Shut up or she's gonna blow!"
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