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Member Since Mar 2013
Location: Moonachie, NJ
Posts: 290
Blush Mar 27, 2013 at 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Thunder Bow View Post
Please post your dream here.
O.k., but....Well here goes nothing - oh even after all this time, I am not sure if it's one big dream, or a few small ones. But out if what I have put together. First vividly remember-able part: and this could part happen - not in this exact manner or place though:

I am in the back seat of a car (different cars, sometimes, our own, sometimes other peoples we know, sometimes, just one of unknown origin)
smoking cannabis with someone I know - I might be someone I would not even think about letting know I use that stuff in real life, perhaps even I know they would not ever, and hate the thought of any one doing that. (when I was a lot younger, like before these dreams started, I did use it recreationaly sometimes, I still do, but mostly for pain control and as an appetite stimulant now) And it is verry potent stuff too, the oder in the dream is stronger than any thing I have ever actually smoked (and I have smoked some pretty good stuff in my life). Then after getting a good buzz going (but not completely wasted) I end up with a wet diaper (that happens all the time, and has since birth - medically urinary incontinence) - and that person I was just smoking with, changes it for me right there in the car (come to think of it, it's always a female, humm, just realized that as i am typing this) Sometimes who ever it is, has done that on multiple occasions, others don't even know I have that issue - and anywhere in between - but always someone I actually know or it least have seen somewhere, at one point it was my primary care doctor doing it, another, a nurse from the ER of the hospital I use, but most of the time, either family, or a friend or neighbor. And in any case not in the backseat of a car - and still not sure just how that ends up working even though I have seen it over and over for years.

Next that seems to be very memorable:

Actually an inpatent in a medical hospital - always someone there as described above - sometimes needing a fresh diaper in the bed, but not always, the REALLY odd part there No hospital gown, or normal "street" cloths, instead I am wearing very large :infinite style cloths and I seem to get extremely thirsty quickly, but when the nurse (and it is the nurse not the CNA) brings me a drink, it's not in a cup (not sure if there is any reason I can't use a cup or not), instead it's basically a huge baby bottle with a huge nipple - and that nurse is determined I am going to drink it regardless of weather or not I would rather wait at least until I had no visitors or not. (in the dream, I seem to not care about the fact itself, just that others not involved with care at the time, would be witnessing such a thing - however not a care in the word about the cloths.)
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