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Old Oct 22, 2006, 12:39 PM
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drclay drclay is offline
Member Since: Oct 2006
Location: St. Louis
Posts: 140
Hi Posters to Sharing Self-Help Ideas!

I'm still learning the system here. Why do I get the same material by email at home as I read on the forum? There seems to be two or more ways to respond on the forum? Which one should I use? How can you start a new topic or thread? Just type in a new topic for Subject?

First of all, I want to say that there has been 6 or 7 quick, clear, and frank responses to the question of "What would you like to change?" Excellent! They came from Sabrina0805, Perna, alibaby, Rhapsody, devox, Sarah116, Petunia, Sky and others.

Now I'd like to give you another suggestion (a new topic?). Let's see if it is helpful to look at all five parts of any problem. Please briefly read Step 3 about Trying to Understand the Problem. See link

Does thinking about the five parts help you think differently about the problem or about possible solutions? I have found this technique to be helpful for many people over the years. I am currently writing about psychiatric diagnoses and how they are made. Diagnoses are very complex but it seems to me that for the self-helper the attending to these five parts of almost any problem serves some of the same purposes as diagnoses.

Try it and see if it helps you think about your problem.

Psychological Self-Help