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Member Since Feb 2013
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Default Apr 04, 2013 at 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Maus5321 View Post
When I first went and seen my PDOC. On the second appointment, I told her my biggest fear is how to deal with knowing I have ADD and not turn it into an excuse. That is my biggest fear. I am not having an issue with it.(yet I don't think) But I am always trying to devise a way to see it if that is what I start to do. Popular belief/social media is so powerful of a force to deal with, for the people on the ground who have to deal with it like us, it will always be a constant never ending battle. I don't like to say normal people, But people who define themselves as normal can follow it so blindly without question. Not ever having the itch of wondering if what they say is true. But us on the other hand we need to know the facts to defend ourselves not just from the people who consider themselves normal but I also think from the possibility of someone like us who could possibly use it as an excuse because they want the easy way out. So it seems to me it can be a two battle front. I am very new to it all and I do not know a lot so I hope never have to get in a position where I have to try and defend myself or others like me yet. I need to keep reading and learning what I can.

This thing has my mom all concerned now because she thinks it is going to put me at a disadvantage of getting a job because I will have to disclose the medication when I go to take a drug test for employment and my intern time for my class. Only my teachers knows but I asked her what she thinks and she just said be upfront and don't hide it. I was interested in asking my teacher about the drug test thing for an ulterior motive to lol. Since my whole class had a big debate with her about the sandy hook shooting saying that anyone who is on any kind of psychiatric medication should not be allowed to own guns because of the way the drugs work on people. I got no rise from her.(wasn't really looking for one)But it was kind of exciting to let her know indirectly I am on medication.( I wish I could have been in her head to see what she was thinking.) Because I know for a fact she had no clue about me

I guess bottom line there are so many fronts and facets to the whole world of mental illness but people only know what they are fed and not what they research and weed out for themselves.
Don't worry so much about the Job front and the drug tests. Although some Jon's you won't be able to do, I.e. law enforcement, due to the nature of the drug, you shouldn't see too much opposition. I had an interview w AT&T recently and they were fine w the fact I was taking adderall.

My driving record, on the other hand, they had a big problem competitive streak got me into some trouble in my younger days.
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