I would be calling other Ts, but I just don't have any names left. I really don't want to just call random Ts from the internet yellow pages. Would it be terrible to ask this T for references while I am still seeing him? Idk what good that would do even if I could pull it off.
Stopdog: How did you keep at it? It doesn't sound like you are very satisfied with one of your Ts. Did you "settle" for her (or any of the others) ? What makes a T right for you?
ReadytoStop: Yes, I was very specific with him on what I was seeking. He has told me very confidently that he can help, but not how, except to say that he believes in goals and that he likes to review progress at 12-week intervals.
CE: That's what I'm wondering. Is solid and reliable good enough for now? Can I take help from him even though I don't feel anything for him? Actually, it might be a slight aversion. That doesn't bode well, does it?