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Member Since Apr 2013
Location: Lincoln,NE
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Default May 03, 2013 at 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Leed View Post
Hi ~ It would seem to me that you should be on a long-acting medication, like MS Contin or OpanaER -- something that lasts 8 hrs or so. The Norco doesn't last long at all. You're lucky if it lasts even CLOSE to your next dosage, and usually it doesn't.

I'm pretty sure Norco does come in higher strengths but then you get more "Tylenol" too, which is damaging to your liver. How long have you been on Norco? I hope you have occasional Liver Panels' done to check on your liver function.

I wish you the very best. Let us know what happens, ok? Hugs, Lee
no they have not done that yet I only been on them now for a year off and on but you are also right the Norco don't last very long but now its not touching my pain at all.

when it did work it only lasted for a hour or so then I am in so much pain I can barly stand it it says that I can take them every 8 hours so I have to wait all that time to take more.

all it does is knocks me out maybe for a hour then I am awake all night suffering in pain and I have called and called to tell my fibro doctor that the med is not touching my pain.

I don't go back till her till june or july so I may see if I can get into see her on Monday or Tuesday
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