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Default May 09, 2013 at 06:19 PM
I am the lucky recipient of "npd" I see so many people here who want to learn or talk about the people in their lives that have "n" traits. Run away, cut ties whatever the suggestions are its so much more on our end. I speak of this as being self aware as most like myself for almost 36 years always felt I was pretty normal prior to learning of this(not ever imagining I had a disorder). I have been feeling absolutely nuts at times since learning and other days back to feeling normal again until something happens. My first therapist which was a complete waste of time tried to tell me that breathing was a good way to diffuse or better yet when my mind races, picture my thoughts going in to a box and stored on a shelf..... Like I said a complete waste of time. I am married with 4 kids, I look back and see all of the things I have done that really affected my wife mentally. I am not good with my ways anymore as I do know what this does to my family. What I can say is that people who suffer from this probably don't even think something is wrong as it becomes so much a part of you with each day that goes on. I think that when most come to see that this is not normal it does change a mind set somewhat. I know if I could go back and be brought up in a stable home with a stable family I would accept that to maybe luck out and not have the issues I do. I am very good at being an "n" pretty perfect in fact. Am I proud of this, not at all!! Anyway just wanted to say something here in this forum as it somewhat bothers me to see others trying to figure out ways to fix or get back at or whatever the nons try to do to make themselves feel better. These things happen because something happened to us. We don't flip a switch and say today were gonna be this and then shut it off. To be honest it does have some benefits but overall I wouldn't wish this on anybody.
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Anonymous37904, SisteretsiS
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