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Member Since Jan 2013
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Default May 22, 2013 at 03:40 PM
I wish I had advise to give you. I just take things a day at a time and when I start to get worked up over things I just retro think about the facts of the situation and what seems logical. It is hard to do and I fail at it quite often and become a wreck emmotionally, but I think the key is to challenge some thoughts and try to learn how to be reasonable.

My feelings tend to jump from they adore me to when they disappointment me by not calling or ditching me to they must hate me and I am awful. I find it difficult to have to many friendships, because typical Frindships have a lot of this sometimes. People get busy, have kids, work etc. I have to remind myself there isn't such a thing as unconditional love and absolute trust. Atleast I don't feel there is. I think every releationship or Friendship has boundaries and limits and I often don't know what those are until I step past and they go bad. Myself I keep everyone at a distance until someone shows personal interst in me and then I any them to be my best friend. Then they pull back or avoid me, and I don't want anything to do with them. It seems like a cycle I am stuck in.

"Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy."
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