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Default May 23, 2013 at 07:58 PM
I take 80mg of prozac (fluoxetine) a day for OCD. Has anyone ever taken this much or at least taken this medication while being treated for attention deficit disorder?

I saw on a youtube video that prozac blocks amphetamine metabolism so the amphetamine would just accumulate in the body.

Also, could anyone refer me to some tips for treating adhd without medication because my psychiatrist wont medicate me because he risks side effects for the medications that im taking (See sig.)

I always have a very hard time at school today my teachers moved me to six different rooms because i was getting distracted and i always leave early and go straight to bed because its exhausting to try and read a page and absorb the information it takes about an hour to read a page even when im not distracted. I really hate this and want to be medicated. *sigh*
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