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Default May 25, 2013 at 08:31 AM
Hi, I've just joined today and here is my first thread, my introductory thread if you will. I apologise in advance for its girth.

Now, first off, why am I here? Well I'm here because I am an extremely curious individual and my major, although by no means exclusive, preoccupation has always been with myself (in one form or another). Thus I wish to share aspects of myself and my lifestyle in order to see whether others are able to relate or are perhaps able to help to shed some light on my proclivities and behaviour, in this instance that of a sexual nature.
Now I'm male, currently 27 years old. I've never been in a relationship. With one woman I went on successive dates over a period of a couple of weeks and we kissed and spoke on the phone a few times but it faded quickly and that's as far as it's gone. And my sexual experience, as in regards to sex with other people, is very limited and relates exclusively to services rendered (if you catch my drift). Partly as a result of this the older I've gotten the harder I've found it to define myself sexually.

Let me give a little more background:
I first remember experiencing attraction to the opposite sex at around the age of 9. I was fascinated by the girls in my class and I have continued to be fascinated by attractive girls since then. The strange thing is that I have very little desire, if any, to actually have sex with any of them.
All my attractions to women have been based on a combination of looks and personality. Looks by themselves fade quickly as a spur for motivation, I'm happy to gawp at such women but I wish for no further interaction with them. Although I would often develop obsessions over women whom I felt were unattainable and I'm starting to think that it was their unattainability itself that I was always fascinated by.

As I've gotten older women seem much less unattainable, potentially at least, and I find myself becoming less fascinated by them in that way. I have to physically keep my distance and admire them from afar, if I get into conversation with them and get on with them I start to look at them more as friends. If they demonstrate an interest in me sexually then I usually run a mile.

Now I'm naturally a quite reserved person in some ways but in others I'm very outspoken. I don't think I suffer from crippling shyness I think I just don't desire the traditional romantic relationship, neither do I desire a purely physical relationship as on the limited occasions I've tried this I felt disappointingly un-stimulated.

Yet I love pornography, but only lesbian pornography. The sight of an erect penis kills my arousal immediately. Whilst I can perfectly understand the romantic attraction between same-sex males, on the sexual side I couldn't be more apathetic.
The fact is that I'm completely unmoved by watching heterosexual sex, even watching men and women kissing on TV is a bit of a turn-off for me, but women kissing each other is a whole other story.

Masturbation figures daily or once every two days. But I never use my imagination, only via lesbian porn may I reach the magic O.

So what am I? Asexual? Autosexual? Lesbian? I really don't know and I guess up to now I haven't bothered to define myself but I would like some opinions based on what I've said thus far.
Because I've never held a relationship my sexual status doesn't really concern anyone but myself but it should be said that a part of me has always desired to be in a traditional loving relationship with someone of the opposite sex, the thing is that the older I get the more I seem to be moving away from that possibility rather than closer to it (as I would rather have predicted).
My voyeurism and insistence on keeping my distance from any such attachments seems to becoming a more potent and powerful instinct the older I get.

One more thing. Sexually I was certainly a late-bloomer. I didn't experience my first conscious orgasm until the age of 21, in-front of lesbian porn of course, and the first time I had coital sex was aged 23. I've never come whilst having sex with anyone else. I could've, whilst being given a blow job, but I resisted (it was almost like I was consciously stopping my seed from being dispersed around these women).

So ideas? Advice? Empathy? Please respond. And don't be afraid to ask me anything I may not have covered, as you may have gathered, I'm happy to be very open here.
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