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Member Since Oct 2006
Location: St. Louis
Posts: 140
Default Nov 11, 2006 at 07:08 PM

In your last post you said: "In the next month would like to learn to learn to be comfortable in my body. I want to learn to be more accepting of my flaws and less critical of myself. I'm tired of worrying that if I can't accomplish something I start that I'll be considered a failure by those who know me and they will think less of me."

That still seems to me pretty general and vague.. The task is to decide what it means to get comfortable, accept your flaws, and be less critical of yourself. Exactly what will you do or feel when you achieve those goals in some specific area...and what exactly will you to try to achieve those goals? I may be asking for too many specifics here. Do you have any idea how to reach those goals in one month?

Let me see if I can think of things you could do: (1) monitor and quickly cast out any self-criticism. Start tomorrow and let us know Sunday night how well you did. (2) Also make a list of your favorite faults you criticise and make a list of strengths you can use to replace the faults. (3) Set some goal that would disprove your faults, like a better job or a promotion or getting important training in the next six months. Tell us your progress and how or why you have failed.

Good luck and keep in touch with this forum. If my suggestions don't seem very good, ask the people who come here for their ideas.


Psychological Self-Help
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