Thread: Autistic son
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babs92's Avatar
Member Since Sep 2006
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Posts: 114
Default Nov 11, 2006 at 07:32 PM
Hello to everyone and thank you all for your very kind words of support and help. My husband and I have decided that a weekly boarding place at his school would be the best for him and for us as a family. its not going to be easy getting this but there is some light now at the end of the tunnel. Even if we end up with 2 or 3 nights a week its something but my son has huge difficulties with routine and structure so we think its best that a constant curriculum for the whole week is the best way forward.

We are getting the couple counselling now which is a great relief to us both. Its taken my husband a long time to come to these decisions and to work things out for himself and his family. Yes my heart breaks at times but at least we still have each other and our daughter.

Thanks again everyone, you have all been amazing..
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