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Member Since Dec 2012
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Default Jun 17, 2013 at 06:01 PM
Agh! I hate when people assume that because you're thin, you must be healthy. I have a few overweight family members, and if I ever mention even offhandedly about wanting to get in better shape, I get this complete stink-eye from them. Who made the rule that if you're an average weight, you can't talk about your health concerns anymore? I just get berated like I'm being a complete idiot, about something. It's just other people's insecurities surfacing, though. Still, not a great excuse for making light of someone's else's emotions or struggles just because they look different than you!

Personally, group situations to me are just a completely off-putting thing - I feel even MORE vulnerable, rather than supported. Mind, I also have social anxiety, lol. I don't mean to sound like a broken record or overbearing or anything, but still based on what you're saying I think a private nutritionist consult would be awesome. Having that private atmosphere where no one will passively try to pry because you look healthy/thin or pass judgement could be really good, as would having your own completely personalized "plan," which can really curb concerns with your relationship with food since you can tell that to the nutritionist and they can tailor their suggestions with that in mind and help you with constructing your own boundaries and methods. Plus, one program for everyone can be sketchy. Different bodies need different things. Again, sorry if I'm sounding pushy, lol - I've sort of turned into a nutrition freak, but I figure I could have a worse problem. XD

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle ...
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Thanks for this!