If you want my advice, tell some girl (or guy) that you like them. Even if you only find them mildly attractive and don't have much of a connection. Reach out and develop yourself. I don't mean sexually, but get to know someone romantically. It is what a lot of 17 year olds do, and it will make you feel better about this whole porn thing and not fret so much.
Reach out until you find someone who digs you. Enjoy being 17, and try not to be so critical of yourself. You may get rejected a few times and that sucks, but eventual you will find some who like you and that you like and you both figured it out at the same time.
You can hold yourself to rigourous standards, deny yourself masturbation, sex, or even relationships, but what good does that do?
I used to be somewhat of a perfectionist, and I was only happy with myself if did the best and it was flawless. I held myself to unrealistic standards for not much good, and a lot of angry at myself for doing what most people do. I'm not sensing you are a perfectionist but I am picking up that you are angry at yourself for doing what comes natural to a 17 year old male. Try to cut yourself some slack and enjoy being 17.