Thread: Masturbation
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Default Jun 21, 2013 at 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Mapleton View Post
Right, I think its actually just partially normal 17 year old hormonal sex drive, and partially a coping skill that heyitsme has for other issues, that doesn't really solve the problem.

hey... if you're not avoiding the subject, you can start to investigate getting help. Whats your home situation? Family situation? Anyone you can raise the subject of getting some therapy help for you? If resources are a problem there are frequently sliding scale or teaching therapy solutions.

You don't have to go into embarrassing detail-- and put the masturbation thing out of your mind for this conversation-- but just simply say you're feeling terribly troubled... that you're having awful problems socially at school and its gotten to be disturbing to you, and you feel like you could use some help.

If you can get into therapy, you can talk to a professional that's not going to judge you, but instead is going to have empathy and compassion and help you to resolve some of your big issues.

I bet they wont feel nearly quite so big after you've unburdened yourself with a professional.

Edit: you mentioned the school therapist. have you mentioned the whole picture to him? or just the masturbation/porn part? a thought is he may be able to point you towards additional therapy resources... and maybe introduce this to the family if raising this with family is a problem.
I have no problems socializing with people. It's just that it's hard for me to maintain the friendships that I made freshman year and now that my friends and I have grown apart, we really don't talk much. That sucks. That's the sad part of reality.
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