It's near to impossible to put us bipolars into any box and that includes diagnosis. I have been dxed with several different bipolar types and recently bipolar 1 due to a full blown mania with psychosis. Bipolar illness can look like cyclothymia, depression, dysthymia, ADHD, borderline personality, drug or alcohol addiction or abuse so that it is hard for pdocs to just make a dx the first go round. I personally think it takes months of working with one Pdoc to see the patterns to correctly dx. Although my last Pdoc told me he could tell instantly when a patient was bipolar because they resembled each other so closely. So what do I know?!
Yes, dx is a fuzzy business and most pdocs I've been to don't pay a lot of attention to it. It's just Bipolar.
I would not think the dr would take you off the meds that are working. Whatever about the label...the important thing is you are better on these meds. I hear ya!