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Wise Elder
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Default Jun 24, 2013 at 08:36 PM
I loathe hot weather. Not a fan of sun, either (want to talk about feeling like a freak, lol!) Yup, my idea of hell is a beach in summer! Hot weather just saps all my energy, not only physically, but for mental acuity as well. Christina's right about drinking lots of water. It's even worse to be dehydrated on top of the other, after all(!) Also second the going outside early and/or late whenever possible. It's the only way I ever got any gardening done. Though it did give pause to think what the neighbors might think seeing me out there with a shovel, digging in the dark, haha. Walking, it's the shadiest route options, even if it they're a bit longer. Like faerie_moon_x said, cold water can really help with overheating, but for me anyway, it's too much to plunge straight in. Too much of a shock. But taking a shower that starts lukewarm and then reducing temp as it goes makes it easier. Other cooling water ideas... a spray bottle of water that's been cooled in the fridge spritzed periodically on yourself... a cool wet cloth draped on your neck...and really, there's no law says you can't keep some cool water in a tub and just go lay in it periodically (assuming you don't have a pool, but do have a tub of course!). Because when you're surrounded, that really helps get the core temp down. Maximum benefit. Oh! And laying a wet cloth across your stomach when you lay down. (No A/C in car or house? Got some techniques for those too, if you'd like.)

And aside from the physical, I get what you mean about its effects on the mind. Last year, had to make a major unwanted move, the weather there was positively beastly and I found myself in a month and a half long mixed episode to boot! O.M.G. horrid. I did note that any times of some degree of mental respite that managed to find their way through happened at night. Not that it was cool then (just cooler), but it seems any bit of relief must've gotten through to the brain too, not just the body. I don't personally relate to a reverse SAD per se, but do know people who can. Soooo, you're not alone, not a freak, we're out there all over the place!

Mr. Robot
Makes me sick to the heart, Oh I feel so tired. And the way the rain comes down hard, that's how I feel inside.
--The Cure
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