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faerie_moon_x's Avatar
Member Since Nov 2011
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Default Jun 24, 2013 at 11:08 PM
As an ultradian cycler (with mixed episodes,) I have a definite cycle. I have a pattern. It's pretty obvious when I track my moods. There are the occasional trigger eruptions. But even after these I tend to fall right back into my pattern pretty quickly. My pattern is about 3-7 days long with continuous cycling. I often can't tell if I'm manic or depressed and usually feel both (which is the mixed part,) but I usually feel more one than the other.

For me, it's normal. That's just how my brain malfunctions.

I also want to say that due to being mixed, my high moods don't appear as high as someone who isn't mixed, and may be more "hypomanic" by appearance. But, I think if I wasn't mixed I'd go much higher.


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