Originally Posted by hamster-bamster
Oh, because of a cyst! That is why.
No, my ultra sounds are routine, since my mom passed. Monday, was a routine pap smear, breast exam, pelvic exam, with the ultra sound right before seeing my doctor. He has a tech, in his office, and is able to view the sonograms on the spot.
This, protruding line, wasn't there, last year. Yes, I also, have a cyst.
Yes, I am scheduled for another ultra sound, in two weeks.
Yes, he wants me to really educate myself, on whether I want more children, then the ones I already have, that he delivered.
Yes, I want to have this done, sooner than later, because sitting on something like this, doesn't seem like the thing to do. Yes, I have a little vacation time, and yes, I could have 'unpaid leave' from work, but who is going to put a roof over my head?
What's the difference between this week, or the next? Knowledge is Power. I am not impulsive. This is serious.