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Default Jun 30, 2013 at 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by DrSkipper View Post
This is a continuation of the one on General Social Chat, but there are some sexual things I don't get that wouldn't be appropriate to post on the other forum, and I'm sure there are sexual things you don't get as well. No explanations necessary.

I don't get fisting. I realize that the vagina can stretch (and so can the ****), but I don't get how that can be at all comfortable. Some people like the sensation of being filled, but I don't see how you can orgasm from that. But it's something I've always been curious about.

I don't get foot fetishes. It's one of the most widely-known and accepted fetishes, but the feet are gross and grimy and dirty. You walk around barefoot picking up dirt, you sweat in your socks, you get fungal infections and athletes foot...and you wanna LICK that?! *shudders*

I don't get why people don't wear condoms every time. Double dutch anyone?

I don't get why people are shocked when they get pregnant and they didn't use any sort of protection.

I don't get why girls are called sluts when they have sex while guys get called players.

I don't get how genital piercings or nipple piercings can be arousing to the person wearing them.

I don't get bikini/Brazilian waxing. Why put yourself through pain just to please someone else? I should know, I got mine done to impress a guy who I never even got intimate with.

Okay, that's it for now.