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Default Jul 01, 2013 at 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by BobKatt View Post
I had a hysterectomy two years ago because of very heavy bleeding (later diagnosed as having adenomyosis). I had been having benign cysts repeatedly on one ovary so I let them take that one out. I refused to give up the other ovary.

If you have both ovaries removed you will be thrown right into menopause and of course your sex drive will be diminished and you will have to go on some kind of hormone replacement. Most MDs want to prescribe Premarin. Read about Premarin carefully before you agree to that. I won't touch the stuff.

I have never regretted the hysterectomy. I only wish I had agreed to it earlier. I felt like a new person after my iron levels were able to recover and the pain and cramps were gone. Sex has been better for me since. Probably because I just plain feel better. They took my cervix out which they do in most cases. I don't notice it's gone.

Oh and is a great resource. I bought a wrap for my tummy for after the surgery from hystersisters and that was a big help. I had the surgery with the davinci robot. Don't let them fool you - robot or no robot it is major surgery and you will need time to heal. I was back exercising after two months and took it slowly until I felt 100%.
Yeah, both ovaries will be removed. I do have to discuss if hormone replacement will be given and I am wondering, if on top of it all, an AD could also help?! I see my Pdoc, a couple days after my GYN. I will look into that med, and do my research on HRT's. I don't want my cervix, out, if we can help it. I didn't realize it was taken, in most cases, thought that was only taken when there were other risks involved.

Will look into the pads you mentioned. Thanks

I do yoga, so, I can take it nice and slow, when I get back to exercising. That's what I love most about yoga.
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